2010 Annual General Meeting & Design Thinkers Recap
Date: Thursday, Nov 25, 2010Time: 7:00pm
Location: Sault College - Multimedia Centre
Dave Mornix, Sarah Quinlan Kathryn Manley, Alicia Brown And a few others…
Alright, out with the old, and in with the new – or out with the old and in with the old. We'll see how it all works out at the 2010 Design Algoma Annual General Meeting, since we'll be voting in a new executive team.
Didn't get to go to design thinkers this year? No worries, we've got the solution: experience the thrill and inspiration of Design Thinkers vicariously at the Design Thinkers Recap.
Oh and if you're not sold on all of the above, I think there is going to be cake – and cookies. 'Nuff said.
RGD’s, Provisional RGD’s and Student RGD’s - FREE
All non- members - $10